August 13, 2013
Revestimiento de Pendientes de Roca Empinadas con Revestimiento de Geomembranas para Facilitar la Ampliación del Depósito de Colas
J. Purdy, P.E. y M. Fuller, R.G.,
Tierra Group, Golden, Colorado, USA; T. Meyer, P.E.,
Tetra Tech, Grand Junction, Colorado, USA; S. Douglas y A. Lagos,
Nyrstar, Mina El Mochito, HondurasABSTRACT: Geomembrane liners are increasingly used to provide containment in tailings storage facilities. Typically, geomembrane liners are installed in successive stages with an expanding impoundment footprint and subsequent dam raises, and may require significant impoundment grading to provide suitable slope angles and subgrade for conventional liner deployment. Impoundment grading difficulty is increased in mountainous areas where bedrock may be shallow and, due to steep topography, grading limits for conventional geomembrane lining (typically 2H:1V) may daylight well beyond a facility’s boundaries. This paper presents an innovative approach to lining steep to vertical rock faces with a geosynthetic system consisting of slope reinforcement, liner cushioning, and geomembrane, for an expansion of an existing tailings storage facility. Additionally, this paper presents recommendations gleaned from both design and construction experience to advance the application of geomembranes in the mining industry...
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