January 15, 2013
Animación de realidad virtual de la mina propuesta El Dorado en el Salvador que ayuda a los reguladores a revisar un EIA
Matthew L. Fuller, Vector Colorado, LLC, Golden, COFrederick H. Earnest, Pacific Rim El Salvador, Cabañas, El Salvador
Troy Holm, Vector Colorado, LLC, Golden, CO AbstractAn interactive, three-dimensional video animation was developed that provides a fly-over and walk-around view of Pacific Rim Mining Corporations proposed El Dorado Mine in El Salvador. The mine life-cycle video animation was presented to El Salvador’s Environmental Ministry in an educational seminar as part of the EIA review. The 6-minute animated video allowed the reviewing agency to visualize the 10-year mine plan from initial construction through operations, concurrent reclamation and closure. Visually demonstrating the concepts of post-closure beneficial use and sustainable development effectively facilitated and expedited the permitting process through an agency previously unfamiliar with modern mining, closure and reclamation processes.
Download pdf file: El Dorado Animation SME 2005
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