Tierra Group engineers designed La Esperanza TSF, a 2.1-km long, 35-m high, earthfill tailings dam with an HDPE lined impoundment footprint of 840,000 m2. Tierra Group designed and provided Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) for all subsequent downstream dam stages. Stage 6 and 7 dam crest raise designs incorporated mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) methods to maintain the facility within property boundaries, and reduce construction costs. Tierra Group also developed the detailed closure design for the Esperanza TSF.
Tierra Group serves as the Engineer of Record (EoR) for the Esperanza TSF. As the EoR, Tierra Group conducted TSF dam breach and downstream inundation analyses, developed detailed TSF water balance, reviewed monthly monitoring data, conducted annual TSF inspections, and prepared an annual monitoring report to document TSF performance and dam safety.
Tierra Group developed the Crimea In-Pit TSF Operations, Maintenance, and Surveillance (OMS) Manual and Emergency Action Plan (EAP). for the Crimea In-Pit TSF.
Tierra Group updated the La Esperanza TSF Operations, Maintenance, and Surveillance (OMS) Manual and Emergency Action Plan (EAP). for the La Esperanza TSF.
Tierra Group completed a geotechnical field investigation to support the Crimea TSF Phase 2 design. Field investigation included exploratory borings, trenches, and laboratory testing on dam foundation materials and proposed borrow sources.