Brushy Creek

Project Highlights:

  • Missouri Dam Safety Permitting
  • Seepage Modeling
  • Liquefaction Analysis
  • Slope Stability Analysis
  • Dam Raise Design
  • Emergency Spillway Design

Tierra Group provided a raise design for Doe Run's Brushy Creek tailings embankment, a facility first commissioned in 1973. Cone penetration testing, liquefaction analysis, seepage modeling, and slope stability modeling were performed for the embankment. Hydrology, spillway design, and impoundment layout were challenging design aspects due to property boundary and existing infrastructure. Tierra Group’s engineers were able to maximize storage capacity and minimize operational impacts. A design report and operating protocols will be submitted to the Missouri Department of Dam Safety.

Project Highlights:

  • Missouri Dam Safety Permitting
  • Seepage Modeling
  • Liquefaction Analysis
  • Slope Stability Analysis
  • Dam Raise Design
  • Emergency Spillway Design

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