Ray Mine

Project Highlights:

  • Tailings Stewardship Services
  • Dam Breach Analysis

Tierra Group is implementing a corporate Tailings Stewardship Strategy (TSS) at all of ASARCO Grupo Mexico’s mines in Arizona, USA (Hayden, Mission and Ray mines). Tierra Group conducted a site visit to each site to perform dam safety inspections, interview operations staff, and review each operations’ TSF for conformance with design, construction, operations, and closure Best Management Practices (BMPs).

Ray Mine | Downstream Population at Risk

Tierra Group calculated the downstream population at risk for use in the Ray TSF dam breach and downstream inundation study. ArcGIS and the U.S. census data will bewere utilized to estimate the population at risk in the event of a dam breach.

Project Highlights:

  • Tailings Stewardship Services
  • Dam Breach Analysis

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