Los Lirios is a brownfields mine development project in southern Honduras. Los Lirios lies adjacent to an extensive shrimp-farming industry which raises water quality and supply awareness. Tierra Group is implementing a pre-development baseline water characterization study for the proposed mining project.
Tierra Group conducted geo-electrical testing to locate leaks present in the geomembrane liners underlying a Solution Conveyance Canal, Sumps 1 and 2, and the Intermediate Pond at Timmins Gold Corp’s San Francisco Mine in Sonora, Mexico. Leak detection testing procedures…
Hydrogeologic Characterization Tierra Group provided hydrogeological support for data characterization and developed a conceptual and groundwater model to evaluate mine water inflows and the associated groundwater drawdown due to mine dewatering activities. Water Management Technical Review Tierra Group provided a…
Tierra Group provided engineering and permitting support to Douglas County Public Works Engineering for NPDES Phase II Program compliance. Tierra Group’s scope of work included developing Runoff Control Plans (RCPs) for new County facilities, updating RCPs at existing County facilities,…
Tierra Group performed a study of Masbate’s 12-Mt tailings storage facility. Services provided included a forensic study to determine the cause of seepage through an abutment and performed an independent safety audit of tailings management practices. A risk analysis was performed…
The Aurora Mine Mill Facility (previously Esmeralda Mill) is located in the historic Aurora mining district of the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountain Range in Nevada, USA. Aurora recently, with the support of Tierra Group completed a Minor Modification to the…
Tierra Group supported proposed Rapid Infiltration Basins Geotechnical Investigation at Au-reka Gold Corporation’s Cove Project in Nevada. Investigation included borehole drilling, test pits, infiltration testing and permeability testing.
Tierra Group developed a site-wide water management plan, and performed a liquefaction potential study following the Samarco tailings dam failure in Minas Gerais, Brazil. A tailings storage facility water balance was developed to optimize water usage and minimize risks at…
Tierra Group prepared a civil engineering design for SSR Mining’s Mina Pirquitas in Jujuy Province, Argentina and developed current and future water-mass balance through hydrological/hydraulics calculations and modeling. Tierra Group developed the ultimate tailings surface, deposition plan, spillway relocation analysis,…
GoldSim Training Tierra Group provided GoldSim training to the Agnico Team and updated the heap leach water balance. Phase 2 & 3 Heap Leach Pad Design and Construction Quality Assurance Tierra Group provided engineering design services for the Phase 2 and 3…
Tierra Group supervised a geotechnical and hydrogeologic drilling investigation program at Anglo American’s Quellaveco Mine in the Moquegua Region of Peru. Geotechnical Investigation Tierra Group developed a geotechnical and hydrogeological research plan within and near the Quellaveco Pit footprint. This…
Tierra Group represented Oracle Ridge Mining as the Qualified Person for portions of the feasibility-level design including the Dry Stack Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) Design, Site-Wide Stormwater Management, Water Supply Pipelines, Haul Road and Access Road Design Improvements, and the…
El Mochito is an underground zinc/silver mine located in the Santa Barbara Mountains in north-central Honduras. Tierra Group’s Team has been providing Tailings Stewardship Services at El Mochito continuously for the past 26 years. Since 1989, Tierra Group engineers have provided…