Tierra Group International, Ltd. participó como la empresa líder en el área de ingeniería geotécnica del Estudio de prefactibilidad (PFS) del Proyecto Copperstone en Arizona, EE. UU. Tierra Group estuvo a cargo del almacenamiento de relaves y material estéril, de la gestión del agua y el diseño geotécnico subterráneo y de las estimaciones de costos preparadas para un Informe Técnico NI 43-101 elaborado por Hard Rock Consulting, LLC. Tierra Group también colaboró con el propietario de la mina, Kerr Mines Inc., en la evaluación de métodos de minería subterránea y el desarrollo de un plan de control de suelos.
Hollister Waste Rock Facility Storage Tierra Group performed a third-party peer review of a Waste Rock Storage Facility (WRSF) design at Klondex Mines’ (Klondex) Hollister Mine in northern Nevada. The WRSF, as designed, involved lining the mine’s existing West Pit…
Dry Stack Tailings Storage Facility Tierra Group designed a dry stack TSF to store excess tailings from the underground paste backfill. The dry stack TSF was challenging, given the limited land area, steep terrain, seasonal cold weather, and surface water…
Tierra Group was commissioned by Doe Run to design a new tailings storage facility at the Brushy Creek Mine. Tierra Group completed a geotechnical investigation including boring, classifying, and sampling soil and rock. Trade-off studies were performed to minimize construction…
Tierra Group supported proposed Rapid Infiltration Basins Geotechnical Investigation at Au-reka Gold Corporation’s Cove Project in Nevada. Investigation included borehole drilling, test pits, infiltration testing and permeability testing.
Tierra Group was contracted by Waterton Global Mining Company to prepare the FPCP for TSF No.1 at the Esmeralda Mine. TSF No.1 covered approximately 100 acres, included a rockfill embankment with a maximum height approximately 60 feet, and stored gold tailings. Work…
Dam Breach Analyses Tierra Group prepared a DBA to evaluate potential downstream impacts due to a hypothetical failure (breach) in three components of Empire State Mines (ESM) tailings storage facility (TSF): North Dam (ND), South Dam (SD), and West Perimeter…
The Midas Mine is located in northern Nevada, and is owned and operated by Hecla Mining Company. The mine is an underground mine with an operating mill. The mine’s existing tailings facilities are nearing their end of operating life and…
Tierra Group is assisting Millcreek Mining and Black Mountain Sand with the preparation of permitting documents for the Lost Creek Project; including a preliminary Stormwater Management Plan, preliminary Groundwater Monitoring Plan, and general permitting exhibits. Tierra Group conducted a site geotechnical…
Tierra Group performed an independent engineering design review of a Cemented Tailings Facility (CTF) and multiple processes and freshwater ponds. Tailings will be mixed with cement at the paste plant and deposited in the CTF along with underground mine development…
The Bolivar mine is a 3,000 tonne per day underground mining operation in Chihuahua, Mexico producing copper, zinc, silver, and gold. Space constraints in mountainous terrain require dewatering tailings to reduce required area for tailings storage. Tierra Group is assisting…
Tierra Group conducted a siting analysis for a new WRSF to support the mine’s future production increase as part of the Preliminary Feasibility Study (PFS). In addition to supporting the PFS, Tierra Group assisted in preparing and submitting several engineering…
Tierra Group performed Dam Safety Reviews (DSRs) for Nyrstar’s tailings storage facilities (TSFs) located in Tennessee, United States. Tierra Group served as the Tailings Reviewer to ensure conformity with local regulations, the Nyrstar Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) Standard, and to…
Hollister Waste Rock Facility Storage Tierra Group performed a third-party peer review of a Waste Rock Storage Facility (WRSF) design at Klondex Mines’ (Klondex) Hollister Mine in northern Nevada. The WRSF, as designed, involved lining the mine’s existing West Pit…
Dry Stack Tailings Storage Facility Tierra Group designed a dry stack TSF to store excess tailings from the underground paste backfill. The dry stack TSF was challenging, given the limited land area, steep terrain, seasonal cold weather, and surface water…
Tierra Group was commissioned by Doe Run to design a new tailings storage facility at the Brushy Creek Mine. Tierra Group completed a geotechnical investigation including boring, classifying, and sampling soil and rock. Trade-off studies were performed to minimize construction…
Tierra Group supported proposed Rapid Infiltration Basins Geotechnical Investigation at Au-reka Gold Corporation’s Cove Project in Nevada. Investigation included borehole drilling, test pits, infiltration testing and permeability testing.
Tierra Group was contracted by Waterton Global Mining Company to prepare the FPCP for TSF No.1 at the Esmeralda Mine. TSF No.1 covered approximately 100 acres, included a rockfill embankment with a maximum height approximately 60 feet, and stored gold tailings. Work…
Dam Breach Analyses Tierra Group prepared a DBA to evaluate potential downstream impacts due to a hypothetical failure (breach) in three components of Empire State Mines (ESM) tailings storage facility (TSF): North Dam (ND), South Dam (SD), and West Perimeter…
The Midas Mine is located in northern Nevada, and is owned and operated by Hecla Mining Company. The mine is an underground mine with an operating mill. The mine’s existing tailings facilities are nearing their end of operating life and…
Tierra Group is assisting Millcreek Mining and Black Mountain Sand with the preparation of permitting documents for the Lost Creek Project; including a preliminary Stormwater Management Plan, preliminary Groundwater Monitoring Plan, and general permitting exhibits. Tierra Group conducted a site geotechnical…
Tierra Group performed an independent engineering design review of a Cemented Tailings Facility (CTF) and multiple processes and freshwater ponds. Tailings will be mixed with cement at the paste plant and deposited in the CTF along with underground mine development…
The Bolivar mine is a 3,000 tonne per day underground mining operation in Chihuahua, Mexico producing copper, zinc, silver, and gold. Space constraints in mountainous terrain require dewatering tailings to reduce required area for tailings storage. Tierra Group is assisting…
Tierra Group conducted a siting analysis for a new WRSF to support the mine’s future production increase as part of the Preliminary Feasibility Study (PFS). In addition to supporting the PFS, Tierra Group assisted in preparing and submitting several engineering…
Tierra Group performed Dam Safety Reviews (DSRs) for Nyrstar’s tailings storage facilities (TSFs) located in Tennessee, United States. Tierra Group served as the Tailings Reviewer to ensure conformity with local regulations, the Nyrstar Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) Standard, and to…
Hollister Waste Rock Facility Storage Tierra Group performed a third-party peer review of a Waste Rock Storage Facility (WRSF) design at Klondex Mines’ (Klondex) Hollister Mine in northern Nevada. The WRSF, as designed, involved lining the mine’s existing West Pit…