Dam Low Level Outlet Replacement

Project Highlights:

  • Hydraulics
  • Seismic Stability
  • Water Management
  • Geotech Investigation
  • Engineer of Record
  • Hydrology

Tierra Group completed a geotechnical investigation, which included overseeing hollow stem auger (HSA) drilling and laboratory testing, that characterized the existing earthen dam. Tierra Group completed a low-level outlet structure design that was believed to have been compromised by internal erosion within the embankment. The replacement design was submitted to both the Nevada Division of Water Resources (NDWR) Dam Safety Division and the BLM for approval prior to construction. The existing spillway was also evaluated to determine if it had sufficient capacity to safely pass the 100-year peak flood event without overtopping the dam.

Project Highlights:

  • Hydraulics
  • Seismic Stability
  • Water Management
  • Geotech Investigation
  • Engineer of Record
  • Hydrology

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