Rosario Mine

Project Highlights:

  • Dam Safety Review
  • Geotechnical Investigations
  • Seepage Analysis
  • Slope Stability Analysis

Tierra Group performed a Dam Safety Review (DSR) including geotechnical investigations and seepage and slope stability analyses for a 20-m high TSF at this 300‑tpd underground polymetallic mine. The audit was prepared following the Mt. Polley tailings dam failure in British Columbia, Canada. A report was prepared and presentation made to the mine owner’s Board of Directors. Tierra Group designed an alternative tailings storage plan utilizing geosynthetic containment vessels to dewater tailings before ultimately storing them in a dry-stack TSF.

Project Highlights:

  • Dam Safety Review
  • Geotechnical Investigations
  • Seepage Analysis
  • Slope Stability Analysis

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