Statement of Qualifications

Aside from the air we breathe, water is the single most important compound to the survival of mankind. Covering 71% of the Earth’s surface, it is vital for all forms of life. Only 2.5% of the Earth's water is freshwater, and 99% of that water is contained in ice (glaciers and icecaps) and groundwater. The relative scarcity of freshwater makes water management imperative to societal success. On Earth, water moves continuously through the hydrological cycle of evaporation, transpiration (evapotranspiration), condensation, precipitation, and runoff. Hydrology is the study of the movement, distribution, and quality of water. Tierra Group hydrologists, hydrogeologists, and hydrochemists are skilled in the following disciplines:

  • Climatology – Evaluation
  • Water Supply – Surface and Ground Water Exploration and Development
  • Water Balance – Inflow, Outflow, and Losses to a System
  • Storage – Retention and Detention
  • Distribution - Systems
  • Treatment - Quality

Tierra Group has applied its 100+ years combined professional water resources expertise consulting on, or designing and constructing, dozens of these structures on six continents. This geographic variety has allowed Tierra Group’s Team to develop expertise designing facilities under challenging climatic conditions, including:

  • Tropical Wet
  • Tropical Wet and Dry (cyclic)
  • Semi-Arid
  • Arid
  • Mediterranean
  • Humid Subtropical
  • Humid Continental
  • Coastal Marine

Tierra Group has innovatively adapted to these challenging environments using highly-trained professionals and state-of-the-art techniques and software to design water management systems, such as:

  • Supply Systems – Surface Capture and Well Fields
  • Dams - Tailings and Water Storage
  • Hydraulic Structures – Pipelines, Canals, Channels, Pump Stations
  • Treatment Systems – Passive, Active

Regardless of the climatic challenges posed Tierra Group’s broad experience, intimate attention to site-specific conditions, and keen focus on developing innovative solutions has earned us a respected reputation and loyal clients around the world.

Select Water Resources Projects

Candelones Oxide Project | Heap Leach Feasibility Design

Tierra Group prepared a Heap Leach Facility (HLF) design to an FS level, including a geotechnical investigation, HLF design basis and criteria, hydrology and water balance, geotechnical engineering analysis, specifications, material quantities, and design report. In addition, Tierra Group prepared…